CT Schemas

CT XML and RDF Schemas

CT XML and RDF Schemas are designed at the schema definition language level. 12 Common Terms (property) and 53 qualifiers (subproperty) of Common Terminology (CT) are represented with XML and RDF schemas in order to be understood and used by many communities. These CT schemas open for many communities to use CT either in XML or RDF form. Also, to increase understanding of CT, it is represented with SKOS concepts. CT diagram shows another way to understand 12 Common Terms and 53 qualifiers and their relationships at once with diagrams.

The updated CT XML and RDF Schemas of version 1.1

The Common Terminology (CT) version 1.1 is the upgraded.  CT version 1.1 changes or omits few unnecessary qualifiers of version 1.1. These changes are based on analyses of CT usage used in conversions from EDM of Europeana, MAP of DPLA, National Library of Korea, Harvard and MIT metadata records. Also, it is to adapt and embrace metadata standards (e.g., MAP of DPLA , EDM of Europeana, National Library of Korea’s MODS, Harvard’s Library Cloud, and MIT library’s QDC) and forms (json, rdf, xlsx, cvs, and xml) of cooperating organizations. Especially, few terms to describe administrative information of MAP and EDM are added changing existing qualifiers’ terms.

The updated CT version 1.1 SKOS concept 

The Changes of Current CT version 1.1

The omitted qualifiers are:

  • contributor/role/orderedauthors
  • description/authentication
  • description/thesis: it is merged into description as a narrow match
  • identifier/nationalBibliographyNumber
  • rights/ holder: it is merged into rights as a narrow match
  • title/uniform

The changed qualifiers are:

  • using ‘type’ instead of ‘name’ for personal, corporation or meeting of contributor such as contributor type=”personal” instead of name=”personal.”
  • title type=’key” is changed into type=”part”, in order to describe partnumber and partname of title.
  • relation type=”constituent” is changed into type=”hasPart”, which is more generalized with common terms.
  • identifier type=”ismn” is changed into type=”object”, because dpla in json form and europeana in rdf form use ‘object’ for each record.
  • /mods/physicalDescription/reformattingQuality is added into ct:format, because reformatting quality “Indicates an overall assessment of the physical quality of an electronic resource in relation to its intended use (MODS).”


The Old version of CT XML Schema version 1.1

CT XML Schema version 1.1 supports to implement Common Terminology in XML. XML Schema follows World Wide Web Consortium at http://www.w3.org/XML/Schema. It is developed and modified during June through November, 2014.

  • ct1-1.xsd: http://www.ct.iopdl.org/1.1/ct1-1(old).xsd

Old version of CT RDF Schema version 1.1

CT RDF Schema version 1.1 supports to implement Common Terminology in RDF. RDF Schema follows World Wide Web Consortium at http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-schema/. It is developed and modified during June through November, 2014.

  • ct1-1.rdf: https://ct.iopdl.org/1.1/ct1-1(old).rdf

Old version of CT SKOS Concepts version 1.1

CT SKOS concepts version 1.1 supports to understand concepts of 12 Common Terms and 58 Qualifiers and their semantic relationships. It supports for users or communities to implement CT in any forms with better understanding of their concepts.

  • ctskos.rdf: https://ct.iopdl.org/1.1/ctskos1-1(old).rdf

Old version of CT Diagrams

While CT diagram version 1.1 shows 12 Common Terms and 58 qualifiers at once, CTdiagram1-71-1.pdf and CTdiagram8-121-1.pdf show relationships of each common term and its qualifiers as follows:

Download (CTdiagram1-71-1.pdf, PDF, 344KB)

Download (CTdiagram8-121-1.pdf, PDF, 238KB)

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