NLKMODStoCTConversion is a conversion program that converts MODS records of National Library of Korea to the developed Common Terminology (CT).
National Library of Korea provided their MODS records for 43762 ancient rare valuable resources in Excel form on August of 2015. The element/term usage of their records is analyzed on January of 2016 and CT SKOS crosswalk is developed based on the analyzed usage on March of 2016. And the beginning of September 2016, NLKMODStoCTConversion is developed. This version may be modified by feedback and/or comments of metadata experts of National Library of Korea.
NLKMODStoCTConversion Conversion Rates
The total measured Match rates of 43762 records in the folder, C:\Python27\metadata\NationalLibraryOfKorea are the below:
The number of total Statement= 893425
Converted rate= 100.0%
exactMatch rate= 85.7332176736%
narrowMatch rate= 14.2667823264%
broadMatch rate= 0.0%
noConverted rate= 0.0%
Not converted Element Names are {}
- W3 rdf validation warnings like the below by some specific characters that are not in Unicode Normal Form. But, because these are the warning not the fetal errors and we have no idea yet how to fix the warning, the warnings are not fixed .
- Warning: {W131} String not in Unicode Normal Form C: “不分卷1冊; 21.3 x 14.5 cm”[Line = 43, Column = 49] in nlk1.rdf (不 causes the error).
- Warning: {W131} String not in Unicode Normal Form C: “그 女子의 戀人”[Line = 187, Column = 32]
An Example Original Record in xlsx form
contentsId | /mods/titleInfo | /mods/titleInfo[@type] | /mods/titleInfo/title | /mods/titleInfo/subTitle |
CNTS-00047689369 | 家藏孝經類簡明目錄槁 |
/mods/name[@type] | /mods/name/namePart |
personal | 전결장금치 |
/mods/typeOfResource | /mods/genre | /mods/originInfo | /mods/originInfo/place/placeTerm | /mods/originInfo/place/placeTerm | /mods/originInfo/place/placeTerm | /mods/originInfo/place/placeTerm | /mods/originInfo/publisher | /mods/originInfo/publisher | /mods/originInfo/dateIssued | /mods/originInfo/dateIssued | /mods/originInfo/edition | /mods/originInfo/issuance |
텍스트 | 고서 | ja | [刊寫者未詳] | 1937—- | 鉛活字本(日本) |
Converted CT record in rdf/xml form by NLKMODStoCTConversion
<ct:identifier ct:source=”National Library of Korea”/>
<ct:identifier ct:uri=”″/>
<ct:identifier ct:uri=”EOL000000375″/>
<ct:contributor ct:personal=”전결장금치”/>
<ct:typeGenre ct:genre=”고서”/>
<ct:publisher ct:place=”ja”/>
<ct:date ct:issued=”1937—-“/>
<ct:description ct:edition=”鉛活字本(日本)”/>
<ct:format ct:medium=”image/tiff” ct:authority=”rfc2046″/>
<ct:format ct:extent=”55張; 23.0 x 15.0 cm”/>
<ct:format>(digitalOrigin)원시자료로부터 재생산된 파일</ct:format>
<ct:subject ct:classification=”古1-29″/>
<ct:relation ct:otherFormat=”(recordIdentifier)EOL000000375″/>