HarvardtoCTConversion program is to convert the provided library of cloud set of Harvard library into the developed Common Terminology (CT).
Harvard Library Innovation Lab cooperated in providing Harvard Library Cloud dataset on June of 2014 and we split a bulk of dataset into 30 files in csv form on September of 2015. The element/term usage of their records is analyzed on January of 2016 and CT SKOS crosswalk is developed based on the analyzed usage on March of 2016. And August of 2016, HarvardtoCTConversion is developed. This version may be modified by feedback and/or comments of metadata experts of Harvard Library Innovation Lab.
HarvardtoCTConversion Match Rates
The measured total Match rates of 1525223 records in the folder, C:\Python27\metadata\harvard_library_cloud_urlsII are the below:
The number of total Statement= 38847221
HarvardtoCTConversion Converted rate= 100.0
exactMatch rate= 83.703912823
narrowMatch rate= 16.2956856039
broadMatch rate= 0.000401573126685
noConverted rate= 0.0
Not converted Element Names are {}
Not considered Element Names in the HarvardtoCTConversion
These element names are not considered in the HarvardtoCTConversion, because I think these are local names/terms for only Harvard: “shelfrank”, score_checkouts_undergrad, score_checkouts_grad, score_checkouts_fac, score_checkouts_aggregated, score_reserves, score_downloads, score_recalls, score_course_texts, score_holding_libs, recent_acq, recent_return, and online_avail.
Moreover, if the value of element name/term of Harvard records is ‘NULL’ or None (empty), the element name and value is not mapped into CT.
Original record in csv file form
record_id | id | title | title_sort | title_link_friendly | sub_title | creator | publisher | pub_location | pub_date | pub_date_numeric | format | language | pages | pages_numeric | height | height_numeric | lcsh | toc | note | call_num | loc_call_num_sort_order | loc_call_num_subject | id_inst | id_isbn | id_lccn | id_oclc | rsrc_key | rsrc_value | online_avail | url | wp_categories | ut_id | ut_count | holding_libs | recent_acq | recent_return | shelfrank | score_checkouts_undergrad | score_checkouts_grad | score_checkouts_fac | score_checkouts_aggregated | score_reserves | score_downloads | score_recalls | score_course_texts | score_holding_libs | score_extra_copies | score_total | data_source | dataset_tag | collection | record_updated |
13189801 | NULL | The humble petition of the knights, esquires, gentry freeholders, and inhabitants of the county of Sommerset | humble petition of the knights, esquires, gentry freeholders, and inhabitants of the county of Sommerset | the-humble-petition-of-the-knights | presented to the honourable knights, citizens, and burgesses now assembled in Parliament, June 15. 1642. | Printed for W.D. | London | 1642 | 1642 | Book | English | 1 sheet ([1] p.) | 1 | NULL | 0 | England and Wales. Parliament Early works to 1800.%%Great Britain History Civil War, 1642-1649 Early works to 1800.%%Somerset (England) History Early works to 1800. | NULL | Against the proceedings of Parliament.%%With engraved border.%%Reproduction of the original in the British Library | JN505 .H66 | 4911033 | Political science — Political institutions and public administration (Europe) — Great Britain — Government. Public administration — Parliament. Legislative branch — General works — Early to 1800 | 9946663 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 1 | http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:hul.ebookbatch.EEBON_batch:99871001e | NULL | NULL | NULL | NET | NULL | NULL | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | NULL | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | NULL | 0 | harvard_edu | harvard_edu_catalog_bibs_1385882476 | hollis_catalog | NULL |
Converted CT record in rdf/xml form by HarvardtoCTConversion
<ct:identifier ct:source=”harvard_edu”/>
<ct:description ct:provenance=”(holding_libs)NET”/>
<ct:description ct:provenance=”harvard_edu”/>
<ct:identifier ct:controlNumber=”(call_num)JN505 .H66″/>
<ct:identifier ct:identifierOther=”(id_inst)009946663″/>
<ct:identifier ct:uri=”http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:hul.ebookbatch.EEBON_batch:99871001e”/>
<ct:identifier ct:collection=”(dataset_tag)harvard_edu_catalog_bibs_1385882476″/>
<ct:identifier ct:collection=”hollis_catalog”/>
<ct:title>The humble petition of the knights, esquires, gentry freeholders, and inhabitants of the county of Sommerset</ct:title>
<ct:title>(title_sort)humble petition of the knights, esquires, gentry freeholders, and inhabitants of the county of Sommerset</ct:title>
<ct:title ct:subtitle=”presented to the honourable knights, citizens, and burgesses now assembled in Parliament, June 15. 1642.”/>
<ct:publisher>Printed for W.D.</ct:publisher>
<ct:publisher ct:place=”London”/>
<ct:date ct:issued=”1642″/>
<ct:date ct:issued=”(pub_date_numeric)1642″/>
<ct:title ct:part=”1 sheet ([1] p.)”/>
<ct:title ct:part=”(pages_numeric)1″/>
<ct:format ct:extent=”(height_numeric)0″/>
<ct:subject ct:lcsh=”England and Wales. Parliament Early works to 1800.%%Great Britain History Civil War, 1642-1649 Early works to 1800.%%Somerset (England) History Early works to 1800.”/>
<ct:description>Against the proceedings of Parliament.%%With engraved border.%%Reproduction of the original in the British Library</ct:description>
<ct:subject ct:classification=”(loc_call_num_sort_order)4911033″ ct:authority=”subjectOther”/>
<ct:subject>(loc_call_num_subject)Political science — Political institutions and public administration (Europe) — Great Britain — Government. Public administration — Parliament. Legislative branch — General works — Early to 1800</ct:subject>